Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sender says "Da-da"!

Okay, he's been saying it for a while, and he probably has no idea what he is saying, but it's fun all the same.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hi From Israel!

Hey all! Well I just spoke to Chavale yesterday and she made me feel so guilty about not posting in so long that I decided to take the time out of my "busy" schedule to write a post! Anyways life here is Israel has been great, its been super super hot!! I can barely manage, with the lugging of the the stroller here and there, shlepping to all the stores just to make dinner! Forget Shabbos, thats a whole other ordeal! But we have been enjoying our last few weeks in Israel, we are moving to America in a few wks, so I've started packing us up to go! Sarah Esther is growing by the minute KH, growing out of all her clothes! Its incredible ow fast they go from an infant to a baby! Anyways KH she is delicious, and definitely keeping me busy! Anyways I emailed you all pics recently but here are a few more! Missin you guys!
Love Raizy

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


hey everyone

hope this finds everyone doing well. here are some pictures of mine and chavales little date when i went home and some of my ltitle girl! hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summers! :)

ps..only chavale brings an exersaucer into a resteraunt!! :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Teething Baby

This kid is teething, and you wouldn't know it from the picture, but is being IMPOSSIBLE. In other news, I'm headed off to NY for Gimmel Tammuz after the weekend. In the meantime, I'm trying to pack like crazy, and hopefully get rid of some of our junk. Right now I am loving Craigslist. So far I've sold a futon, found an exersaucer without non-kosher animals. and got ideas for packing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

my little rugrat

hey guys
here are some photos of laylay, i hope every one is doing well and enjoying the nice summer weather finally!!
missing you all!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Lag B'omer

Hey guys! Here's a pic of us in NY for the Lag B'omer parade. where was everybody and how was it?
Also, here's a new you tube video of our little star:

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Hi guys
Our Shul theme this year was Africa, so Aaron and I dressed up as safari explorers, i would love to see everyone elses pictures from purim, oh and laylay dressed up as a ballerina!