Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hi From Israel!

Hey all! Well I just spoke to Chavale yesterday and she made me feel so guilty about not posting in so long that I decided to take the time out of my "busy" schedule to write a post! Anyways life here is Israel has been great, its been super super hot!! I can barely manage, with the lugging of the the stroller here and there, shlepping to all the stores just to make dinner! Forget Shabbos, thats a whole other ordeal! But we have been enjoying our last few weeks in Israel, we are moving to America in a few wks, so I've started packing us up to go! Sarah Esther is growing by the minute KH, growing out of all her clothes! Its incredible ow fast they go from an infant to a baby! Anyways KH she is delicious, and definitely keeping me busy! Anyways I emailed you all pics recently but here are a few more! Missin you guys!
Love Raizy


Blogger Chava said...

She looks like a Levitin!

Anyways, I am glad you finally posted. It is in your best interest to post, because if you don't, I will nag you incessantly!


2:48 PM  

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