Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hello from Springfield!

Happy B-day Raizy! What is your phone # in Israel?

Adina, those pics of Laylay are so adorable... you should really enter her in some contests/modeling gigs - unless you don't do that. Because then you shouldn't.

Anyways, I am sick with a cold. I totally overstressed myself. I had an event for the Federation this past Sunday - The Great Shofar Blast. I ran around like crazy and then had contractions the whole night. Ugh. But thank G-d it's over. It was a pretty successful event, prob about 200 people there. (Oh, and I was on the news from two TV stations that interviewed me! I"m getting pretty famous over here.)

I am getting ready for Rosh Hashana, if anyone has any new interesting recipes, bring 'em on. I am getting nervous thinking about all that cooking. Although the truth is, I don't know how big all the meals will be because all the young couples I invited are not here for Rosh Hashana - they're going home to Mommy (the wife's Mommy-the guys are all local). Sarale and Shmulie are coming, along with Chamutal. So that should be nice.

Last night I went to NY for a wedding (BTW, good news! Chana Raskin has set a date for her wedding! Baruch Hashem!) and all the sitting in the car made my back kill so now I'm walking around with a cold pack strapped around me. I look ridiculous. And I feel like a beached whale. Alright, enough complaining for now...the beached whale has to get dressed and get to work.

See ya!


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