Sunday, November 26, 2006

hi all!

Hey guys!
How are you all doing!? So sorry I have not written in a long time, things have been a little hectic around here, although thats just a lie, not hectic enough not to post! Oh well....neways we had a big shabbos this last week, like 20 guests, lots of bochurim so it was a little crazy! If you know what i mean, boy can they eat, they are the best guest, everything you make gets eaten, were as if you only invite couples you can left overs for days.....which i hate!! Anyways, school its good and busy, we are having midterms next wk aaaaaaaaaah, I have not taken a test in years! I hope I do well! Chavs, I am still trying to reach you, hopefully we will connect when everything calms down for you...its probably crazy and you must be a zombie! But your baby k'h loooks adorable! I have some news of my own, which I am sure you have heard, but not directly from me, b/c we have not spoken in forevere! Ah! Its insane! Anyways hopefully we will connect on the phone soon, I'll try you tonight! Missin ya hun, I hope your not having a hard time of it! And Adina, Laylay is hilarious! Those are the greattest pics! I cant believe how big she is! Its insane, she is so delicous! And Chai whats going on??? Its gettin closer! Ah! I am nervous for you!Anyways guys, I miss you all terrribly!
be in touch!
Luv Raizy

Monday, November 20, 2006

hi everyone

hey guys
I hope you are all doing well!! Things are busy here in chicago! We had Talor over for dinner last night b.c her husband was in NY for the Kinnus, so that was really nice! I have HUGE midterms this week, but then We have off for thanksgiving so i am really looking forward to that. In about 4 weeks for are going to Ny, I am going to see Aaron off to Israel and then I am going to hang out in NY for a little (If anyone plans on being in ny then let me know) and yah, just busy being a mommy and all that! Enjoy the pictures and everyone be in Touch!
missing everyone

Saturday, November 18, 2006

our baby!

Hey guys, here's my cute little baby Alexander!

PS Raizy, you left a message saying that your number will show up on the caller ID, but it didn't. Raizy, or if anyone knows Raizy's number, please email me! Thanks.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


hey guys
here's some more pic's...i;de love to see more pictures of everyone elses lives!!
the picture of me and aaron was taken on our 2nd anniversary dinner!