Sunday, November 26, 2006

hi all!

Hey guys!
How are you all doing!? So sorry I have not written in a long time, things have been a little hectic around here, although thats just a lie, not hectic enough not to post! Oh well....neways we had a big shabbos this last week, like 20 guests, lots of bochurim so it was a little crazy! If you know what i mean, boy can they eat, they are the best guest, everything you make gets eaten, were as if you only invite couples you can left overs for days.....which i hate!! Anyways, school its good and busy, we are having midterms next wk aaaaaaaaaah, I have not taken a test in years! I hope I do well! Chavs, I am still trying to reach you, hopefully we will connect when everything calms down for you...its probably crazy and you must be a zombie! But your baby k'h loooks adorable! I have some news of my own, which I am sure you have heard, but not directly from me, b/c we have not spoken in forevere! Ah! Its insane! Anyways hopefully we will connect on the phone soon, I'll try you tonight! Missin ya hun, I hope your not having a hard time of it! And Adina, Laylay is hilarious! Those are the greattest pics! I cant believe how big she is! Its insane, she is so delicous! And Chai whats going on??? Its gettin closer! Ah! I am nervous for you!Anyways guys, I miss you all terrribly!
be in touch!
Luv Raizy


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