Monday, December 04, 2006

Getting ready for cold weather...

Hi everyone...cold weather is around the corner and I am so not looking forward to it. Raizy and Chai, you two are so lucky to be in warmer climates! Adina and I live in such cold climates that it takes weeks to thaw out once the winter is over.

Anyways, Sender/Alexander/Alex (not sure what we're calling him yet) is getting quite chunky; we're going to celebrate his 1 month birthday tomorrow. Yesterday I left the house to go grocery shopping and it was the first time I was out of the house ALONE (Cheski babysat). I was starting to feel like a captive in my own house! Alas, my freedom lasted only 1 1/2 hours - the price a lactating mom has to pay.

I am planning a Chanukah party for the young couples we know and I think we're gonna be doing an oil tasting theme...any good ideas for it, please let me know. We are hoping that all the young couples we know will invite other young couples and thereby expand our little community.

Well, not much else going on here - like I said, I'm housebound so the only action around here is cooking dinner, nursing, burping and changing diapers! I'll spare you all the details. (It's amazing how the contents of one tiny diaper can be the basis of a conversation that lasts hours...)


Blogger Raizy and Aryeh said...

Chavs! So good to hear from you!! We have not spoken in forever, and I keep trying your house! Do you get your messages? I totally understand that your life is probably crazy, I jsut want u to know I have been thinking about you! And that I have been trying to get in touch with you...dont want you to think I am a bad freind! :) Missin ya hun, I"ll keep trying!
Luv Raizy

11:29 AM  

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