Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hey guys we are back

hey guys
we just got back last night from our 8 day skiing trip in colorado! it was ALOT of fun!!! cold but fun! i defintly can ski alot better! i kept having flashbacks from vermont when we went that weekend!! i kept thinking of chai , FLYING straight down the mountain!!! anyhow i am still undecided wether to come in or not?!?! if i do i would leave laylay and i don't know what to do!
what do you guys think??
anyhow here are some pictures of colorado, and would love to hear from everyone!
ps.. chavs he is sooo delicious! you can just bite those cheeks up!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Splish Splash, I was takin' a bath...

Hi guys,

Here's Alexander taking a bath - he LOVES the sink.

Unfortuantely, my arms here are the only things I have as far as pictures of myself are concerned. We are so busy trying to capture every moment of his life that we forget to take pics of us too!

I hope we will all see each other in NY for Chof Beis Shvat.

i will be in seattle the week before chof beis shvat - Raiz, when are you gonna be there?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Hello everyone
hope this finds everyone doing well. i'm sure you are all enjoying your babies, and babies to be!! WEll mi met with my dean and she told me if i keep going the rate i'm going i will be graduating next spring!! !this is very exciting news, cause i thought i would never graduate and get outa there, but there is definitly a light at the end of a very long dark tunnel!! i would love to see more pictures of chavale and chais baby! ray, aaron got some great shots of you! he took a couple when you "weren't looking" and your belly looks ADORABLE! and you do not look fat in pictures AT ALL, so you better post some pictures!
well here are some more pictures of laylay, enjoy and missing everyone, and chai gave me a great idea, to come to ny for chof bais shevat and leave laylay at home! which i think i might do!! wouldn't that be soo much fun!! and it will hopefuly wean laylay too!
missing you all
the picture of laylay and the other baby is hindys kid