Thursday, January 18, 2007

Splish Splash, I was takin' a bath...

Hi guys,

Here's Alexander taking a bath - he LOVES the sink.

Unfortuantely, my arms here are the only things I have as far as pictures of myself are concerned. We are so busy trying to capture every moment of his life that we forget to take pics of us too!

I hope we will all see each other in NY for Chof Beis Shvat.

i will be in seattle the week before chof beis shvat - Raiz, when are you gonna be there?


Blogger Raizy and Aryeh said...

chavs! He is sooo delicious!....I 4got how chunky the Kavka babys are :)...rememeber Zalmy...neways K'H he looks adorable....cant wait to see you chuf bais!
missin ya hun
luv raizy

2:29 AM  

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