Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Hi guys! Here's a video of my little guy

All he does there is stretch and yawn, but we find it pretty fascinating.

And....I am officially married for two years now!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


hey guys
well its been a week since aaron has been in israel and thank g-d laylay has been pretty good!!! i can;t complain about her, its just hard being solo this past week, i don't know how single moms do it. Ray i have been trying to get ahold of you but i am not getting through?!?! just wanted to say hi and if anyone is bored they are more then welcome to call me cause i am quiete bored. missing everyone, adina

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Hello everyone!
well my internet has been down for the past week, and i feel like i have been completly out of touch with the world!! but now it is working and i feel like i can communicate with the outside world. just thought i'de share some pictures of my big girl,a nd chavs thanks so much for posting pictures! HE is sooo cute! i really dont' remembe laylay being that small.. well aaron is goign to israel next sunday so i am going to go to ny for a couple days! but its very sad that none of you guys are living there!!!! Who am i ganna hang out with?!?!?!
BUt i have hindy there, which is always fun to hang out with her and her baby!
WEll thats all for now, just finishing off the semester in a couple weeks, and then we are going to go to colorado for a week and go skiing. (the guy that owns our house, owns a house in colorado, which he is letting us use for the week) so that should be alot of fun!
Anyhow missing everyone, hope everyone is doing well!
Here are some pictures of our first snowstorm!!!!! laylay was facinated by it
love adina

Monday, December 04, 2006

Getting ready for cold weather...

Hi everyone...cold weather is around the corner and I am so not looking forward to it. Raizy and Chai, you two are so lucky to be in warmer climates! Adina and I live in such cold climates that it takes weeks to thaw out once the winter is over.

Anyways, Sender/Alexander/Alex (not sure what we're calling him yet) is getting quite chunky; we're going to celebrate his 1 month birthday tomorrow. Yesterday I left the house to go grocery shopping and it was the first time I was out of the house ALONE (Cheski babysat). I was starting to feel like a captive in my own house! Alas, my freedom lasted only 1 1/2 hours - the price a lactating mom has to pay.

I am planning a Chanukah party for the young couples we know and I think we're gonna be doing an oil tasting theme...any good ideas for it, please let me know. We are hoping that all the young couples we know will invite other young couples and thereby expand our little community.

Well, not much else going on here - like I said, I'm housebound so the only action around here is cooking dinner, nursing, burping and changing diapers! I'll spare you all the details. (It's amazing how the contents of one tiny diaper can be the basis of a conversation that lasts hours...)