Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Hi guys! Here's a video of my little guy

All he does there is stretch and yawn, but we find it pretty fascinating.

And....I am officially married for two years now!


Blogger adina said...

HI chavs
MAZEL TOV On your second anniversary!!!!! isn't it crazy how time flies@ Just wanted to wish you mazel tov, and that you and chezky and sender, should have many more happy years together!!!
Hope alls well with the babe!

9:10 PM  
Blogger Raizy and Aryeh said...

hey chavs!!! WOW 2 yrs thats crazy, I cant believe exciting, mazal tov mazal tov! Oh and the video as absolutly adorable!!! Sender is so cute, he's a real mix of the both of you guys! I got your message, sorry I havnt gotten back to you yet, all my in laws are in town, so its been pretty hectic! But i'll call you as soon as is quiets down! missin you hun
Luv raizy

1:08 AM  

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