Thursday, September 28, 2006


hey guys
weLL it is 7:30 am and usualy i am fast aseep at this ung-dLy hour, but aaron is stiLL in chicago so i am up with the baby (instead of him!) so me and hindy went to take our babys for portraits yesterday! if anyone woud have waLked by and saw me hindy and the Lady they woud have thout what are these monkeys doing here?!?!? inorder to get the kids to smiE we were howLing away Like hyinas and jumping up and down Like monkeys!! it was quiete a sight!!!
But aaron is coming in today thank g-d so i am Looking forward to that!! Chai you are carrying SOOO NICELY its soo great!!!
wejust wanted to say hi, i am ganna try and Lay down and dump a miLIon toys around LaiLay and see if she wiLL pLay NiceLy for a LittLe!!!
MIssing you aLL
Love Adina

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


finally someone else posted a blog!! i was abuot to give up this hole blog thing....but guys you really gata post makes it more fun!!
anyhow i am home by my parents now!! Rosh hashana was crazy, 20 minutes before yom tov started our power went didn;t go back on for 26 HOURS!! it was crazy....also my inlawas poweer went out so we were screwd! basically ate challah, tuna...ect...but then 28 hours later wen it went back on we ate by my inlawas for the second night and adina got....FOOD POISENING!@@@@ don't ask i threw up all night and then had to fly to sharon by myself with the baby,,,barfng was the craziess 24 hours of my life!!
well just wanted to share my lovely expeirence with everyone!!!!
listen can all you guys post your phone cell phone died and i have no numbers!!!
missing you all!
thanks ray for the updates! i am glad things are working out for you in israel!!! and i can't wait to see pictures!!!!
love adina

Is this working

i wrote a post and I dont think it went on the weird? Maybe it takes time...

Just me Again!

Hey guys,
Sorry I have not posted till now, but to tell you the truth I completly 4got about the blog for a few days, I kept checking my gmail and got all sad when no one sent any emails! All of a sudden it hit me we have a blog!!!! I have to check it!! So here I am ....Adina that is absolutly hilarious that you went to a mariners game! Total Dejavu!....its great that you went. Anyways Yom tov here was really nice, we got invited out all 4 meals, so I didnt have to cook a thing, which was kinda nice! Other then that all is well over here in the holy land, no new news! Its all the same, I will hopefully be joining a gym soon, its actually right near the house, and touro is starting after the holidays, I am really excited about that. Anyhow, as soon as I start taking pics here I'll start posting them, Adina your so good about it, how do you even know how to do it? Anyways guys I miss you all you all!
P.s. Chavs it sounds like you've got your hands full!!! Try to stay off your feet and dont over do nething!!!
Love Raizy

Friday, September 22, 2006

Shana Tova!

Shana Tova to all...may you all be blessed with a sweet, happy and healthy new year, and may all your heart's desires for good be fulfilled!

I am getting ready here for a kids program this Shabbos/Sunday. It's quite hectic.

I will post pics of lil 'ol pregnant me after the holidays. I don't have any picture of me besides the ones I sent on gmail that were taken with cheskis camera phone. We finally got a digital.

Have a good one!


Thursday, September 21, 2006


well since noone is going to post i will post again!
so tonight we went to the mariners game!! i had soo much fun! i think i lost my voice! i was rooting like crazy at the game and i think i embaressed aaron a little but i was having so much fun! it was serious dejavu of us going to like evry game we could when we were younger! we had awesome seats so it made it even more fun!!
so here are some pic's of the game.....also i wanted to wish everyone a Kesiva Vechatima Tova, everyone should be bentched, with a happy, healthy , and sweet new year, and all of your brachos should be answered!! may whoever is having babies, have easy rest of pregnancy and easy deliverys +easy babies (:)
missing you all!!!
love adina

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Us in California....BBqing on the beach

Hi guys
well thank you chavs for teaching your extremely uncomputer savy friend here how to use the blog thingy!! anyhow i feel like i am a mother to a newborn again! (you guys have no idea whats ganna hit you hehhe) well dear daughter has been waking up the past two nights ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! no jokes! last night she decided that she wanted to play at 3am!! so guys this is what you gata look forward to! anyhow she is crying while i am typing this and she has been crying for 45 minutes now (i wonder where she gets her stubbornes from :)
well guys keep us all posted and i WANT PIC's of the BELLys please?!?!

Hello from Springfield!

Happy B-day Raizy! What is your phone # in Israel?

Adina, those pics of Laylay are so adorable... you should really enter her in some contests/modeling gigs - unless you don't do that. Because then you shouldn't.

Anyways, I am sick with a cold. I totally overstressed myself. I had an event for the Federation this past Sunday - The Great Shofar Blast. I ran around like crazy and then had contractions the whole night. Ugh. But thank G-d it's over. It was a pretty successful event, prob about 200 people there. (Oh, and I was on the news from two TV stations that interviewed me! I"m getting pretty famous over here.)

I am getting ready for Rosh Hashana, if anyone has any new interesting recipes, bring 'em on. I am getting nervous thinking about all that cooking. Although the truth is, I don't know how big all the meals will be because all the young couples I invited are not here for Rosh Hashana - they're going home to Mommy (the wife's Mommy-the guys are all local). Sarale and Shmulie are coming, along with Chamutal. So that should be nice.

Last night I went to NY for a wedding (BTW, good news! Chana Raskin has set a date for her wedding! Baruch Hashem!) and all the sitting in the car made my back kill so now I'm walking around with a cold pack strapped around me. I look ridiculous. And I feel like a beached whale. Alright, enough complaining for now...the beached whale has to get dressed and get to work.

See ya!

Life In Israel

Hey guys~!
This is great....Chavale were are you? Why are you not participating? Anyways, life here in the holy land is going great! BH....Yesterday was registration day for was really really funny....all these Flatbush girls looking exactly the same, one right after the next, yakking away, also some brought their babys! It was quite a scene...but hey it will work for me...I am so excited to get back into school. Anyways last night and today are my birthday, we went our to dinner it was fun! I am 22....finally catching up to everyone..this is exciting! Anyways I wanted to wish you guys all the brachos in the world, Adina for you and Aaron and Laylay, You should have a healthy and prosperous year. Chai for you and Mendal and Iyh your new baby, may everything go smoothly and healthy, and may everything work out for you this year the way you want it! For Chavs, you and Chezky and your unborn baby, IYh all will be wonderful and healthy and much success with your shlichus this year! Anyways I miss you guys all so much! Be in touch!
Thanks for everything!
Luv Raizy

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


h i guys
just checking if this works